Terms of Service

Thank you for choosing Youtubetowav.net as your preferred platform. The following outlines your privileges and obligations when accessing and utilizing our website.

Our website offers convenient online tools, including a video and audio downloader, for personal and non-commercial use only. Using our site for illegal or unauthorized activities is prohibited, and users must adhere to all relevant laws and regulations.

By accessing and using our website, you agree not to employ our website in a manner that could cause harm, disable, overload, or impede our servers, or infringe upon the usage and enjoyment of our website by any other party. Copying of any content from our website is strictly prohibited.

Furthermore, users must not engage in any unauthorized or unlawful activities while using our website. Youtubetowav.net is not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from your use of our website or its tools, including but not limited to damages from viruses, software errors, or data loss.

We may use ad redirection to support and maintain our tool. By allowing these redirects, you help keep the service free. Please note, we have no control over the external websites you’re redirected to. Be sure to read their terms and privacy policies before using their services or providing any personal information.

We reserve the right to revise or modify these Terms of Service at any time without prior notification. By utilizing our website, you consent to be bound by the most recent version of these Terms of Service.

If you have any inquiries regarding these Terms of Service, please contact us at ukc3.wav@gmail.com. Your understanding and compliance with these terms are appreciated, and we are here to address any concerns or questions you may have.

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